IACTE Bylaws
Official Emblem
Section 1 The IACTE shall have an official emblem.
Section 2 The design and colors of the emblem shall be approved by a majority vote of the IACTE Board of Directors
Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of this Association shall be July 1 through June 30.
Section 1 Membership categories in the IACTE shall be Professional, Life, Student, Associate, and Retired.
Section 2 Professional membership shall be limited to members of the affiliates named in Article III, Section 1, of the IACTE Constitution who have paid their IACTE dues
for the current year or are life members of the IACTE.
Section 3 Student membership shall be limited to undergraduate student members of the affiliate named in Article III, Section 1, of the IACTE Constitution who have paid student IACTE dues for the current year.
Section 4 Associate membership shall consist of individuals, institutions and companies who are interested in IACTE activities and who are not employed in CTE. Each Associate membership must be approved by the current IACTE President.
Section 5 Only Professional, Retired and Life members are eligible to vote.
Section 6 Membership shall coincide with the cyclical renewal membership date of that member.
Section 7 Professional membership shall consist of individuals actively employed in career and technical education.
Section 8 Retired membership shall consist of retired career and technical educators interested in IACTE activities who have been active IACTE members for at least one year prior to retirement. Individuals actively working in CTE are not eligible for Retired memberships.
Section 9 The association is open to all persons interested in career and technical education regardless of race, gender, color, national origin, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability.
Governing Rules
Section 1 There shall be a Board of Directors:
A. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the following:
1. Voting Board Members
a. Six IACTE Officers: President, Immediate Past-President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
b. Each affiliate in good standing is allowed one voting representative on the IACTE Board of Directors.
Affiliate representatives shall serve a two year term.
Affiliates shall designate, in a manner consistent with their respective Constitution, Bylaws or organizational policies, a representative to the IACTE Board of Directors.
Affiliate terms shall be on a rotational basis so that an equal number of new members are selected each year.
For the first year, February 2020, half of the terms shall be one year terms and half of the terms will be two year terms. The terms will be drawn by lot.
c. One member of IACTE representing post-secondary education.
– The representative is to be elected by the House of Delegates.
– The representative shall serve a two (2) year term.
2. Board Liaisons
a. Each affiliate in good standing is allowed one liaison representative to the IACTE Board of Directors.
– Affiliates shall designate, in a manner consistent with their respective Constitution, Bylaws or organizational policies, a representative to serve as a liaison to the IACTE Board of Directors.
b. Ten Committee Chairpersons as designated in Article VIII, Section 1, of the Bylaws shall serve as liaisons to the IACTE Board of Directors.
c. Liaisons shall be approved by the voting members of the IACTE Board of Directors
d. Other individuals, as appointed by the President, and approved by the IACTE Board of Directors, may serve as liaison members to the IACTE Board of Directors.
B. The voting procedure of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:
1. All Board members, who are Professional, Retired or Life IACTE members, shall each have one vote.
2. The President may vote only to break a tie, or in cases where the vote would affect the motion.
3. A quorum must be present before any business is transacted. A quorum requires the presence of a majority of the IACTE Officers and the presence of a majority of all other voting representatives.
C. The Board of Directors shall constitute the administrative body of the IACTE Within the limitations of the constitution and the Bylaws.
D. The Board of Directors shall provide for the safekeeping of all funds of the organization and assure their proper use.
E. The Board of Directors shall have the power to interpret the constitution and its bylaws and shall generally shape and direct all policies and activities of the IACTE.
F. The Board of Directors shall cause the President to appoint a committee with equal representation of the affiliates to develop and maintain the IACTE Policies and Procedures Handbook. Said handbook shall include a copy of the Constitution and Bylaws and set forth a list of duties, responsibilities, and activities of Officers, Board of Directors, House of Delegates, IACTE Committees, Consultant and Membership.
Section 2 There shall be an Executive Committee
A. The Executive Committee shall be composed of:
1. The IACTE President, Immediate Past-President, First VicePresident, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Consultant.
B. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to act in the place of the Board of Directors in emergency situations.
C. A quorum must be present before any business is transacted. A quorum consists of a majority of the Executive Committee Membership.
D. Meetings may take place utilizing electronic media.
Section 3 There shall be a House of Delegates
A. The House of Delegates shall be based upon IACTE membership in the affiliate and shall vote on the following items during the annual House of Delegates Meeting held during the annual IACTE Conference.
1. Constitution and Bylaws,
2. Dues,
3. Elected officers of the organization,
4. Strategic Plan,
5. Resolutions.
6. Other pertinent matters which may be brought forth.
B. The Voting procedure in meetings of the House of Delegates shall be as follows:
1. Each delegate to the House of Delegates shall have one vote.
2. Delegates to the House of Delegates shall be determined as follows:
– The President of each Affiliate.
– One additional delegate for the first two members, based on the affiliate membership in IACTE at the end of the fiscal quarter immediately preceding the IACTE annual conference, and
– One additional delegate representing thirty-five (35) members or major fraction thereof each affiliate division based upon IACTE membership at the end of the fiscal quarter immediately preceding the IACTE annual conference.
3. All delegates to the House of Delegates must be current Professional, Retired or Life IACTE members.
4. A quorum must be present before any business is transacted. A quorum requires the presence of a majority of the total potential delegates to the House of Delegates.
Election/Appointment of Officers
Section 1 Officers of this Association shall be elected/appointed on an annual basis in the following manner:
A. The President
1. The current First Vice-President shall advance to the office of President without vote of the House of Delegates.
2. An interim First Vice-President shall be subject to election as defined in Article V, Section 3, Paragraph B.
B. The First Vice-President
1. The current Second Vice-President shall advance to the office of First VicePresident without vote of the House of Delegates.
2. An interim Second Vice-President shall be subject to election as defined in
Article V, Section 3, Paragraph C.
C. The Second Vice-President
1. Shall be elected by a majority vote of the delegates present at the annual House of Delegates meeting.
2. An affiliate will be allowed to submit a candidate for the office of Second Vice-President to the Nominating Committee as long as the affiliate does not have a member representing their affiliate currently serving as President, First Vice-President or Second Vice-President.
3. Shall be elected from among those IACTE members who have been an active member of the affiliate from which they are nominated for at least three years and must have served the affiliate in a leadership capacity.
4. Shall be elected from a slate of one or more candidates submitted by the nominating Committee, or
5. Candidates may be nominated from the floor for consideration by the House of Delegates but must meet the qualifications as stated in Article VI, Section 1, Paragraph B, Part 2 & 3 of the Bylaws.
C. The Secretary
1. Shall be elected by a majority vote of the delegates present at the annual House of Delegates meeting.
2. Shall be elected from a slate of one or more candidates submitted by the nominating Committee, or
3. Shall not serve more than two, two year terms in this officer position.
D. The Treasurer
1. Shall be appointed by the IACTE Board of Directors on an annual basis.
2. Shall have the same rights and privileges as elected officers of the Association.
E. The Past President
1. The current President shall advance to the office of Past President without vote of the House of Delegates.
Section 2 The President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President and Secretary will assume office will assume office July 1 following election by the House of Delegates. The immediate Past-President shall serve a term the same as the above-mentioned officers. The Treasurer assumes office immediately after appointment by the Board of Directors.
Section 3 Officer vacancies of this Association shall be elected/appointed in the following manner:
A. The President and Secretary
1. The affiliates shall be notified and have the opportunity to nominate a
successor for the vacant office. The Board of Directors shall vote on and
confirm such replacement.
B. The First Vice-President
1. The Board of Directors shall appoint an interim First Vice-President. This interim First Vice-President shall not automatically advance to office of President. The next House of Delegates shall elect a President utilizing the same nomination and election procedures as are used for the office of First Vice-President. Nominations may be from any affiliate which would have been eligible to nominate in the year that the individual who vacated the post was elected.
C. The Second Vice-President
1. The Board of Directors shall appoint an interim Second Vice-President. This interim Second Vice-President shall not automatically advance to office of First Vice-President. The next House of Delegates shall elect a First Vice-President utilizing the same nomination and election procedures as are used for the office of Second Vice-President. Nominations may be from any affiliate which would have been eligible to nominate in the year that the individual who Vacated the post was elected.
Removal From Office
Section 1 Any IACTE Officer may be removed from office at any regular or specially called meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors for the following reasons:
A. Inability to perform duties due to health reasons,
B. Excessive absence,
C. Other reasons as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.
Section 1 All elected Officers and Board of Directors shall serve without remuneration unless authorized by the Board of Directors. The reimbursement shall be for mileage and incurred expenses, as set forth in the IACTE Policies and Procedures Handbook.
Section 2 Expenses incurred at the annual IACTE Conference may only be reimbursed when authorized by the Board of Directors. When so authorized, reimbursement shall follow all procedures set forth in the IACTE Policies and Procedures Handbook. Reimbursement may be authorized for the following IACTE Board Members.
A. The six (6) elected/appointed officers of the IACTE.
B. Other IACTE Conference Committee Chairpersons as appointed by the Board of Directors, prior to the annual meeting.
Committees and Appointments
Section 1 The President, utilizing recommendations from the affiliate Presidents, shall recommend to the IACTE Board of Directors, for approval, the appointment of chairs and members for the following with equal representation from affiliates:
A. Awards Committee (Immediate two Past-Presidents shall serve as Co-Chairs)
B. Constitution/Bylaws Committee (Parliamentarian will serve as Chair)
C. IACTE Policy and Procedures Handbook Committee (Secretary shall serve as Chair)
D. Nominations Committee
E. Strategic Plan Committee (President and First Vice President shall serve as Co-Chairs)
F. Public Information Committee
G. Public Relations Committee
H. Resolutions Committee (may be combined with the Constitution/Bylaws Task Force at the discretion of the Board)
I. Membership Promotion Committee
J. Professional Development Committee (First and Second Vice-President shall serve as Co-Chairs)
Meetings may take place utilizing electronic media.
Section 2 The President, with approval of the IACTE Board of Directors, shall appoint the following:
A. Liaisons approved by the voting members of the IACTE Board of Directors
B. Others appointed by the President with approval of the IACTE Board of Directors.
Section 3 The President, with approval of the IACTE Board of Directors, shall appoint such other Task Forces and representatives as deemed necessary giving equal representation to each affiliate in so far as possible.
Section 1 There shall be an annual meeting of the membership, which shall include a House of Delegates, on a date selected by the Board of Directors.
Section 2 Board of Directors Meetings
A. There shall be a minimum of three (3) meetings of the Board of Directors annually.
B. Other meetings may be called by the President or at the joint request of the majority of the voting members of the Board of Directors.
C. Board Meetings may take place utilizing electronic media.
Section 3 The President of the IACTE shall preside at all meetings.
Section 4 The Secretary shall keep and preserve an accurate record of all proceedings of the above meetings and distribute minutes promptly to all members of the Board of Directors.
Delegates to the ACTE
Section 1 The IACTE President shall represent the first 100 members of the IACTE as a delegate to the ACTE Conference.
Section 2 Other delegates as allowed by the ACTE Constitution and Bylaws shall be appointed by the IACTE President. The appointments shall be in proportion to each affiliate’s membership in ACTE based on the preceding ACTE fiscal year.
Section 3 Only official delegates to the ACTE who are IACTE officers will be reimbursed from the IACTE funds to the extent determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 1 Professional membership dues shall be set by the House of Delegates to become effective at the beginning of the next fiscal year. When no action is taken to change dues at the House of Delegates meeting, the dues for the next fiscal year shall remain at the current year’s dues rates.
Section 2 Dues of other membership categories shall be as follows:
A. Student dues shall be $5.00.
B. Associate dues shall be four (4) times the current Professional dues rate except for individuals whose dues rate shall be equal to the current Professional membership dues.
C. Life membership dues shall be twenty (20) times the current Professional dues rate.
D. Retired membership dues shall be one-half (1/2) the current Professional dues rate, rounded up to the nearest dollar.
Section 1 The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern any provision not set
forth in this set of bylaws or the constitution.
Amendments and/or Revision
Section 1 The bylaws may be amended or revised at the House of Delegates meeting of the association by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the House of Delegates present and voting provided that the amendment has been submitted to the membership in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 2 The constitution may be amended or revised at the House of Delegates meeting of the association by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the House of Delegates present and voting provided that the amendment has been submitted to the membership in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 3 Proposed amendments or revisions in the constitution and bylaws may be submitted by IACTE members to the IACTE officers or affiliate presidents for consideration by the IACTE Board of Directors at least 120 days prior to the annual meeting. A simple majority vote by the Board of Directors shall warrant the proposed amendment or revision being submitted to the membership and voted upon at the annual House of Delegates meeting.
Section 4 Constitution and/or bylaw amendments or revisions approved by the House of Delegates shall become effective upon approval