Acronyms and Affiliate Groups

Acronyms and Affiliate Groups

ACTEAssociation for Career and Technical Education (National Professional Association for Career and Technical Educators)
IACTEIllinois Association for Career and Technical Education (Illinois Professional Association for Career and Technical
IAVATIllinois Association of Vocational Agriculture Teachers (Promotes the interest of vocational-technical education in
NAAE National Association of Agricultural Educators (Promotes the interest of agricultural education on a national level)
IBEAIllinois Business Education Association (Develops leaders who serve the professional needs of all levels of business
ICTAIllinois Career and Technical Administrators (Promotes the interests of those with major responsibilities in the
administration of career and technical education in secondary and post-secondary schools)
NCLANational Career and Technical Administrators (Same as ICTA with focus on national issues)
IHOAIllinois Health Occupations Association (Stimulates professional growth, leadership, and unity among educators of
health careers and professionals)
TEA of IllinoisTechnology Education Association of Illinois (Promotes the interests of industrial and technical education and
teachers in Illinois)
IFACSTAIllinois Family and Consumer Science Teachers’ Association (Meets the ongoing needs of all family and consumer
science teachers in Illinois)
ICTESSPAIllinois Career and Technical Education Student Support Personnel Association (Provides Career and Support
Services to foster student Access, Equity and Success in Career and Technical Education programs.)
INRSIllinois New and Related Services (Serves the needs of all who are involved in training and development activities
related to workforce preparation)